Blood-Drenched Creature Double Feature #3 (with stickers)
Finally!! Issue 3 of the new horror magazine/comic anthology is here...and it's even better than before!
This issue includes:
"Overripe" part 2 - written and illustrated by Lee Davis
"Grace" - written by Dino Caruso, art by Francisco Paronzini
Michael Ballif - The writer/director discusses his new horror film, "They Live Inside Us", and reveals what's on the horizon for himself and his production company, Witching Season Films
Isaac Bidwell - An interview with the prolific horror artist about his craft and background.
Dr. Madblood - The eccentric horro movie host from Tidewater Virginia discusses brining horror into households for the past 45 years.
Desiree Pittman - Meet the talkented artist behind the new horror themed coloring book, "A Horror of a Different Color"
The Salem Slashers - Find out about this Massachusetts based cosplay group that brings your favorite screen slashers to the most bewitching city in the USA!
Plus, a new entry of "Such Sights To Show You" where we feature YOU, the horror fan, with your amazing horror collections!
Each issue comes with two (2) Saturday Comics stickers!